Intro to Common Core

Hi All,

Just received this link and think it is a terrific resource for teachers and schools as they roll out the Common Core. Short, engaging, clear, and concise. Thanks goes to McGraw Hill Publishing!

Dear Educator,

Whether you’re ahead of the curve or hurrying to catch up, it’s important to pause for a minute to review your Common Core communication strategy.

How will you enlist the support of students, parents, and the greater community in your plans to raise standards in your schools? To help you introduce the underlying principles and goals of Common Core State Standards, CTB/McGraw-Hill has developed a two-minute animated video that explains the basics.

We invite you to view the video yourself and use it to inform a variety of audiences:

Students in classrooms and assemblies
Parents at meetings and PTA events
Teacher groups at Common Core State Standards planning meetings
School boards and education department members

Use it to launch a discussion of your plans and your schedule for introducing Common Core State Standards in your schools for a smoother transition and greater support.

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