Tracking the Tips

Blog Title/Tip

  • Memories and Lesson Plans: “Two to Glow On; One to Grow On”   Tip: Look for ways to affirm teachers/students by sharing evidence that shows what is working first (at least two examples) and then share and discuss one idea that they can use to improve their teaching/learning. 
  • What does a delicious breakfast have to do with reading?  Tip: We all need choices in life. Being able to choose what we want to read puts us in charge and sets the stage for our personal accountability. Give your students plenty of free reading time and opportunities to share their choices.
  • Intro to Common Core   Tip: Communication is key. Everyone needs to be informed and updated on what’s going on, no matter what the change is or how minor.  We are all in this together.  
  • Welcome to Jan’s Timely Tips for Teachers!   Tip: Share the wealth; give and it will return to you 1000 fold. 

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